lopp_sommar_vasastafett_mixed_2013_1350x690Vasastafetten is the Summer Week’s oldest race, premiering in 1991. A team of two to ten runners share the 92 kilometres stretch from Sälen to Mora. Although several sections are relatively short, you will all need good training and preparation. Why not train together in your team? That way you can help each other all the way to the finish in Mora.


1. Start in Sälen–Smågan 11.2 km
2. Smågan–Mångsbodarna 14.3 km
3. Mångsbodarna–Risberg 10.8 km
4. Risberg–Evertsberg 12.4 km
5. Evertsberg–Oxberg 15 km
6. Oxberg–Gopshus 4.5 km
7. Gopshus–Hökberg 4.7 km
8. Hökberg–Läde 4.7 km
9. Läde–Eldris 5.5 km
10. Eldris–Finish in Mora 8.9 km

Read more under course information >


Vasastafetten has a leisure class, where each team can have two to ten participants and a free number of ladies and gentlemen.

Multiple sections per person

One person may run multiple sections.

Read more about the exchanges >

Minimum age

You may participate in the race from the year you turn 8.

Time penalty for littering in the Vasaloppet Arena

It is allowed to throw garbage in three different ways during Vasaloppet’s Summer Week. If you will be caught by throwing debris otherwise you may be penalized with a time penalty of 15 minutes.

You must throw litter:

  • in the bins at the Vasaloppet checkpoints. It is also allowed at two controls more, Gopshus and Läde, where you are allowed to throw garbage
  • in the marked littering zones between each Vasaloppet checkpoint
  • where you as a participant know that a team leader or associate will pick up what you throw.