2021-01-25 17:17

Adjustments and precautions in the Vasaloppet Arena

This past autumn Vasaloppet has, in close consultation with the authorities, planned for a different Vasaloppet winter. In the altered programme – where Tjejvasan and Vasaloppet run as elite competitions while others are welcomed to Vasaåket which can be completed on a day of choice during a three-week period – there are a great number of adjustments and precautions in and around the Vasaloppet Arena. All to ensure that everyone can have a wonderful and safe skiing experience during Vasaåket

”We feel very well prepared and we’re in close dialogue with the relevant authorities. If circumstances change further we’re ready to quickly make the adjustments needed,” says Mats Rylander, Project Manager at Vasaloppet.

Easy to do the right thing

Vasaåket has four different distances, 10, 30, 45 or 90 km, and can be completed in the Vasaloppet Arena on a day of choice during a three-week period starting February 12. The basic rule is that everyone should keep at a pole length’s distance to one another, both in and out of the tracks.

At the start, finish and checkpoints there will be hosts to remind skiers to keep their distance and avoid queuing.
Even before skiers arrive at the Vasaloppet Arena they’ve been provided with detailed information about the distance rule and other regulations via email, and Vasaloppet’s staff, hosts, functionaries and partners have gone through mandatory internal training.
”It should be easy to get it right, and everyone should feel comfortable with what’s applied,” says Mats Rylander, adding that there are additional precautions that might not be visible to skiers: ”We have tightened some procedures and developed several new ones. Luckily we have an experienced and flexible organization, so the transition has been smooth.”

Buses and blueberry soup
There will be buses to the start as usual this year. Vasaloppet’s buses are equipped with effective air purification filters and all passengers must wear masks which will be available for free to those who need one.
Normally Vasaloppet advises not to drive to the start for sustainability reasons, but 2021 is not a normal year and those who want are welcome to arrive with their own car.
Start groups are limited and there are zones where only skiers with number bibs are allowed.
On their journey to Mora, skiers will be able to top up with some energy at the official Vasaloppet checkpoints. Some days there will only be self-service and when functionaries are present they will wear gloves and masks, and assist from behind plexiglass.
When arriving in Mora, skiers can change to dry clothes behind screens outdoors, but the showers are closed. Another covid measure is that medals won’t be hung around skiers’ necks but rather collected at Vasaloppet’s House.
”Conditions in the Vasaloppet Arena right now, with snow and tracks all the way from Sälen to Mora, are better than they’ve been for years and we know that many are eager to come here and ski. We’re looking forward to welcoming everyone who wants to the Vasaloppet Arena where we’re aiming for a wonderful, if slightly different, Vasaloppet winter,” says Mats Rylander.

For those who have booked Vasaåket 2021 but who are unable or unwilling to come to the Vasaloppet Arena there are two alternatives: Vasaåket Hemma (skiing the distance in a place of your choosing) or moving the start position to Vasaloppet’s Winter Week 2022. 

More about our measures in the Vasaloppet Arena to reduce the spread of covid-19>

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